Today Dad had surgery to remove 3 large bladder stones, each the size of walnuts. Things went very well and the anesthesiologist was able to give him a type and amount of anesthesia that they hoped would limit the damage to his brain and cognitive function...and it looks like they were successful on all accounts. Another tender mercy!
I had a chance to talk with him and he seems to know me. Time will tell how well he comes out of it though as last time he seemed pretty lucid at times and yet now has no memory of the events. In fact, one day I was talking to him about the gall bladder surgery and he responded, "how come no one ever told me that I had the surgery?" LOL
How blessed are we to live in a day and age when these things can be taken care of. It is amazing - and I am so grateful that I live now rather than when a person would just have to suffer and even die from some of these diseases and illnesses.
22 Feb
6 hours ago
I'm so happy that Opa did so well. He seemed so alert and happier than I've seen him in a long time. Love ya, Aunt Karen.