Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thanks, Des, for changing my blog!  I was going to try it myself but - well - we all know how tech challenged I am!  LOL  You did a wonderful job! And I am really grateful!

I've been working on the Mother's Day songs for so long, studying lyrics and trying to remember them (can't get this brain to do that for some reason), seeking ways to teach and help the children remember them, and each time I go over one of these songs the spirit teaches me.  The power in these simple words and tunes is overwhelming to me.

Last Sunday I printed a "Mother" on a sheet of paper, mounted it on a half sheet of poster board, laminated it and poked holes through the irises of her eyes.  When I was trying to help the children I told them that often mothers cry because we are so happy and we love to hear our children sing to us.  I urged them to sing so well "the mother" cried.  I had a sister help me by spraying a stream of water or mist through the holes.  The kids got a real tickle out of it.  I would say it was a success.

As I have thought about these things I am so humbled by my opportunity to be a mom - especially to my children.  When Rich and I married we both wanted to start our family right away but that didn't happen.  Months came and went without signs of pregnancy...and each time I felt sad, discouraged, and empty.  I remember getting to the point that I believed we'd never have children and deciding that if we weren't going to have any then the most important thing I could do was to focus on the blessings I did have and to cherish Rich's and my relationship.

Obviously children did come to us and always I felt as if the views of heaven and the eternities had just been opened to us.  Each is perfect...and now my children have grown to include more children and so many wonderful grandchildren.  I wonder how it is that I have been so blessed.  I know that is probably not the best way to look at it as I know many wonderful couples who would love to have children, who ache for them as I once did, and yet their lives have not been blessed by them.  But I cannot see or think or hear from any one of "mine" and not feel like I am in heaven...for whatever the reason of their call or visit or thought.  I have no words to express my love and joy.  I wish I did and when you consider that I don't have words - well, that is something all on its' own, right?

The chorus from "The Family Is Of God" goes:
                 God gave us families
                 To help us become what He wants us to be.
                 This is how He shares His love,
                  For the family is of God.

Simple yet profound words.  I think of how much I have learned and grown, at the expense of those I love so dearly.  I thank them for allowing me to learn and for forgiving me of all the pain and frustration I have inflicted on them over the years.  It is truly in the loving arms of my husband and children that I am where I am now and I am so grateful for their patience, support, kindness, love, and teachings - I am so grateful to be their Mom and pray with all the fervency of my heart that we will be able to spend eternity together.

I remember sitting at the table for dinner one night many years ago and one of the kids was gone to a friend's home.  The "hole" was immense.  I have thought about that over and over and over through the years.  I would have never known what I was missing unless I had been willing to have it in the first place.  In a day when we were urged by the popular culture to not have children, to pursue our own goals, and if we were going to have kids then just have one or two, I am so glad I could hear the words of the prophets and the stirrings in my own heart.  I am so glad and grateful that Rich was always there, beaming from ear to ear, at the news of a pregnancy or the birth of a new little one, or the frustrations and worries, or the joys...always there to cherish the moments with share our lives together. 

I wish I had been the perfect Mom.  I wish there were some things I could do over.  I tried to do the best I could and sometimes I didn't try hard enough.  But I would never, ever undo, redo, or change my kids.  They truly are my greatest joys.  I love you Wanda, Joey, Philip, Desiree, Cherstin, Felicia, and with no less joy or distinction - Robert, Carlie, Hannah, Mike, and Dan.  Thank you so much for being the people you are.  I'm so proud of you and the great work you are doing.  I am so grateful to be your Mom.  I love you with all my heart.  Truly you are how God shares His love and I am so humbled and gratified to have you in my life - my joy is full.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I am loving and stretching and stewing and fretting in my calling as Primary Chorister.  It has been a long time since I have had to work at something like this...that's a good thing.

I have taught the kids "I Am A Strippling Warrior" and "I Love To Go To Grandma's House" for the Mother's Day Program in Sacrament Meeting and I am so excited to hear how they do - and worried at the same time.  I know that neither song will be that familiar to the congregation so I hope they will enunciate clearly.

In the meantime - every day seems to be taken up with preparation and effort for me to learn the songs I will be teaching on Sunday.  This week I am teaching "The Family Is Of God" - such a beautiful song and so filled with the spirit - and "I'm So Glad When Grandpa Comes" for the Father's Day Program and "When I Am Baptized," as well as reviewing "Gethsemane".  I searched for ribbon wands yesterday and guess I'll be ordering them online - can find them for $.70 (I could make them but I would spend much more than than and I have lots of other things to do) for the "rainbow" actions.  Rich said he'd help me make rain tubes but I need to get the pvc pipe and get them made before all our company arrives...Marsha and Blair are coming in for the weekend and Joey and Carlie and the kids may be coming too.  Now if there were just some way my mind could remember the lyrics to these songs!!!!  LOL

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Musings from Mosiah

Today, in my scripture study, I read Mosiah 5.  I just love Mosiah.  I remember the first time I ever read it - the power, understanding, faith, and love I feel for my Savior seemed to grow miraculously.  It is easy for me to understand why the people said that they believed all the words that he (King Benjamin)had spoken to them and they knew of their "surety and truth" because the Spirit is so strong in those words and I become "changed" every time I read them and have "no more disposition to do evil continually, but to do good continually" too.  I had to smile to myself this morning when I realized that I always feel this way but then having the resolve and ability to actually be this kind of individual seems to struggle when I have to put it all into practice.  King Benjamin certainly knew that when he gave his counsel in the previous chapter to "watch yourselves, and your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds, and observe the commandments of God."

However, in Mosiah 5 much is about me becoming a daughter of Christ and being called by His name.  I sense there is such deeper meaning to these words than I understand...but some pondering gave me some additional insight...perhaps not new to anyone else...but certainly new to me.  In verse 7, "because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons and his daughters" - obviously the baptismal covenant provides us that transformative power - and because of the covenant we become members of his Kingdom, and able to stand on the right hand of God. 

It is verse 12 that caused me to consider - "...remember to retain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you."  Obviously, once we have been baptized and received the companionship of the Holy Ghost it behooves us to learn to hear and know THAT voice if we are to utilize that power to help us return to our Heavenly Father.  What I didn't anticipate was the thought that the partaking of the sacrament each Sunday renews that covenant but the specific wording in that prayer is about our being "willing to take upon" ourselves His is my willingness to enter into His temple...His life...exaltation...and it by His name that He will call me and I need to hear and know the voice by which I will be called.  If I cannot or do not hear and know that voice in my every day walk how will I ever hear and know that voice to enter into His glory and presence?  Do I think that it will be any quieter, easier, less confusing or chaotic then?  I would be no different than the five foolish virgins who thought they had all the time in the world - or perhaps they thought they wouldn't have to wait so long so they had plenty and over time they just didn't listen to that voice above the commotion of the impending feast - didn't hear or recognize and act upon those precious instructions that come but go just as fleetingly to those who will not hear or do not know. What could be more important than to be able to hear and recognize His voice?  This was a "tender mercy" today - a glimmer of the eternities and a musing that helps me see, just for a moment, the eternal round of the gospel.