Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thanks, Des, for changing my blog!  I was going to try it myself but - well - we all know how tech challenged I am!  LOL  You did a wonderful job! And I am really grateful!

I've been working on the Mother's Day songs for so long, studying lyrics and trying to remember them (can't get this brain to do that for some reason), seeking ways to teach and help the children remember them, and each time I go over one of these songs the spirit teaches me.  The power in these simple words and tunes is overwhelming to me.

Last Sunday I printed a "Mother" on a sheet of paper, mounted it on a half sheet of poster board, laminated it and poked holes through the irises of her eyes.  When I was trying to help the children I told them that often mothers cry because we are so happy and we love to hear our children sing to us.  I urged them to sing so well "the mother" cried.  I had a sister help me by spraying a stream of water or mist through the holes.  The kids got a real tickle out of it.  I would say it was a success.

As I have thought about these things I am so humbled by my opportunity to be a mom - especially to my children.  When Rich and I married we both wanted to start our family right away but that didn't happen.  Months came and went without signs of pregnancy...and each time I felt sad, discouraged, and empty.  I remember getting to the point that I believed we'd never have children and deciding that if we weren't going to have any then the most important thing I could do was to focus on the blessings I did have and to cherish Rich's and my relationship.

Obviously children did come to us and always I felt as if the views of heaven and the eternities had just been opened to us.  Each is perfect...and now my children have grown to include more children and so many wonderful grandchildren.  I wonder how it is that I have been so blessed.  I know that is probably not the best way to look at it as I know many wonderful couples who would love to have children, who ache for them as I once did, and yet their lives have not been blessed by them.  But I cannot see or think or hear from any one of "mine" and not feel like I am in heaven...for whatever the reason of their call or visit or thought.  I have no words to express my love and joy.  I wish I did and when you consider that I don't have words - well, that is something all on its' own, right?

The chorus from "The Family Is Of God" goes:
                 God gave us families
                 To help us become what He wants us to be.
                 This is how He shares His love,
                  For the family is of God.

Simple yet profound words.  I think of how much I have learned and grown, at the expense of those I love so dearly.  I thank them for allowing me to learn and for forgiving me of all the pain and frustration I have inflicted on them over the years.  It is truly in the loving arms of my husband and children that I am where I am now and I am so grateful for their patience, support, kindness, love, and teachings - I am so grateful to be their Mom and pray with all the fervency of my heart that we will be able to spend eternity together.

I remember sitting at the table for dinner one night many years ago and one of the kids was gone to a friend's home.  The "hole" was immense.  I have thought about that over and over and over through the years.  I would have never known what I was missing unless I had been willing to have it in the first place.  In a day when we were urged by the popular culture to not have children, to pursue our own goals, and if we were going to have kids then just have one or two, I am so glad I could hear the words of the prophets and the stirrings in my own heart.  I am so glad and grateful that Rich was always there, beaming from ear to ear, at the news of a pregnancy or the birth of a new little one, or the frustrations and worries, or the joys...always there to cherish the moments with share our lives together. 

I wish I had been the perfect Mom.  I wish there were some things I could do over.  I tried to do the best I could and sometimes I didn't try hard enough.  But I would never, ever undo, redo, or change my kids.  They truly are my greatest joys.  I love you Wanda, Joey, Philip, Desiree, Cherstin, Felicia, and with no less joy or distinction - Robert, Carlie, Hannah, Mike, and Dan.  Thank you so much for being the people you are.  I'm so proud of you and the great work you are doing.  I am so grateful to be your Mom.  I love you with all my heart.  Truly you are how God shares His love and I am so humbled and gratified to have you in my life - my joy is full.

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