A little over a month ago I was released as a Relief Society teacher (I will really miss that calling - so fun and I learned so MUCH!) and called as the Primary Chorister. I had this calling a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago for a very short time, so it isn't exactly new...but it has been long enough that I don't know the songs that the kids have learned. To top it off, the previous chorister has been out since about October of last year and they have just been having substitutes so there isn't anyone to really go to in order to learn about what the kids have been doing as there has been so little consistency or continuity. However, I am loving this calling too. It is on my mind all the time and I find myself reflecting on the simple truths of the gospel and the love of Heavenly Father and the Savior and the importance of family, etc. all day long. I am finding that I have no brain though! LOL Remembering words to new songs, coming up with ideas for teaching and practicing, even just selecting what we're singing seems to be "over my pay grade!" Oh well, hopefully it will get better and better as I exercise these portions of my brain that haven't had to learn this way in quite a time. I am grateful that I have Cherstin, Desi, Wanda, Hannah, and Carlie so I can "pick" their brains and for modern technology as there are a gazillion blogs and yahoo groups to help me along.
Yesterday I spent the day trying to figure out how I might do something that the kids would love, it would involve them and get them moving, but allow for lots of repetition. I taught a song for Easter, "Gethsemane" by Melanie Hoffman, that ALL the kids loved and so many parents have told me that their children sing it often throughout the week...but I only got one verse taught until last week when I taught the other two...so we need to do some reviewing of it. And the children are supposed to sing in Sacrament Meeting for Mother's Day and Father's Day so I spent quite a bit of time trying to find something that was different than the usual songs. I settled on "I Am A Strippling Warrior" and "I Love to Go to Grandma's House" for Mother's Day. Grandma's House was easy - an old song that tells a story and has easy actions to remember the song - the kids learned it with just a couple of run throughs...but Strippling Warrior has been another matter. I taught the chorus last week but even then I didn't feel like it was solidly "there"...close but not solid. I still need to teach the 3 verses and so I need to come up with some ways to remember the words. I thought about flip charts - will still probably have to make them as I think the kids will need them for Sacrament Meeting for prompts - but I was trying to think of other things all night long - it seemed that I dreamt about it ALL NIGHT LONG! LOL Somewhere in my dreaming I saw the kids with orangish-yellow head bands like the picture of the strippling warriors...and I was trying to figure out how to make them. When I woke I thought it would be really easy to just make strips of fabric to tie around their heads and I could use fabric glitter to write "brave," "strong," and "true" on them as they are the words to describe the warriors. Then I thought I need to make a few childrens' sized aprons to represent "mothers" and a shield with "faith" written on it and a sword with "truth and hope" on it, and learn some sign language and make some signs that the kids will recognize for key words and...I think this will work! Yeah!!!
I was thinking I would create an "Angry Birds" game...but I think I have about decided to do it next week to review. I have some boxes I'll cover with brown wrapping paper for the bricks, already bought some pink foam sheets to make the pigs, have a strength band to make the sling shot, and just need to buy a few "angry birds" to finish the game...but I know the kids will get into the game and I need them to learn the words so I'll teach the song this week and use the game next week to create the repetition to solidify it in their brains - and hopefully mine! LOL
Then - I need to figure out a way to keep cool while I'm teaching - at least not sweating buckets. Maybe a clip-on fan for my music stand? Anti-perspirant under my make up??? Something has to give! LOL
Sounds like I need to get off here and get busy, huh? Have a great day and sing a song for me!
22 Feb
6 hours ago
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