Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Big Sixty-Six!

Today is Rich's 66th birthday.  It was a bit anti-climactic, I think.  Although peaceful in a good way too.  We woke to a call from Felicia asking us to come to the hospital ASAP.  I dressed quickly but Rich wanted a quick shower, so I woke Noah and got him dressed while Rich showered and got ready.  When we walked into Felicia's hospital it was obvious that there was something they had been hatching.  In a very large box there was a very, very large donut with maple frosting and inscribed with, "Happy Birthday!  Old Fart!"  I think he was pretty surprised.  We sang happy birthday and then  all of us had a piece of the donut...even at that there was half of it left to come home with us!  It was super special and I know it meant a lot to him to be remembered.

We hung around for about an hour and then brought Noah home, via the Dollar Tree.  I picked up, vacuumed, did a couple of loads of laundry and Rich and Noah watched Tarzan AGAIN!  Lol!

A little bit after we got home Felicia, Tom, and Georgia arrived.  I think Noah will be glued to them for the next few days.  It has done very well but it is obvious that he's missed his Mom and Dad.

We did a late lunch at Cafe Rio.  It was nice to get out a little, I think, for Felicia. The food was good and we were so full that no one wanted any supper, even though we'd planned on doing brats and hamburgers for Rich's birthday dinner...well save that for tomorrow, I guess.

I had been wanting to get Rich an Alexa Blue Tooth but hadn't known how to go about getting it, especially since we've been in transit.  But it is something I want to get him as I think it's something he'll really enjoy.  I wish I hadn't been so he knows what I would have liked to do but its never as good as having done it!!!  One of my reasons is how much he listens to music.  It seems he has dozens of homemade CDs with music for all moods and occasions.  It is one of the many things I love about him...he has a song for EVERYTHING!

As I watch him with Noah I am reminded of him as a young father...always excited to be with his kids, patient, kind, and supportive.  He has always been able to live in the moment and to enjoy the little teach without being preachy, to correct without rancor, to love without condition.  He has always put us first...and we have always been able to rely on him.  What great qualities for a husband and father!!!  I love him so and look forward to many more birthdays...I wonder if we have birthdays in heaven?  Happy birthday, Sweetheart!

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