Monday, January 11, 2016


This morning I worked on Eve's dress. I thought I was doing pretty well and would continue to work on it this afternoon, after I got back from the eye dr., but I just didn't have the vision to do it. Tomorrow is another day and I better find a way to really start moving some mountains or getting this done is going to take a miracle!!!! LOL

I had a minor eye surgery that will eliminate the clouding that has been developing under the left lens of my eye. I had the right eye done several years ago and it has done fabulously and I see no reason it won't be the same for this one. However, it has taken all day long for the anesthesia and dialation to clear my vision and reduce the glare. It is nearly midnight and I am finally feeling confident about reading! Yikes!!!

With that said, I am hitting my mattress as I need sleep and to be able get up early tomorrow.

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