Today was a very relaxing Sunday. We went to Church, had a chef's salad for lunch, went to choir, and just enjoyed the day. Rich had to go to work this afternoon as there is FEMA brewing that will take lots of time in the next few weeks and the stuff that was going on today couldn't wait - had a conference call with the government, etc. But, he was only a few hours and then home.
Today, in Sunday School, we had a discussion about Abraham and Lot. It was a great discussion - Kristy White, our instructor, is a good teacher, and of course during the discussion of leaving Sodom the idea of not looking back came up. In Genesis 19:17 it says, "And it came to pass, when they had brought them forth abroad, that he said, Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain; escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed." Obviously Lot's wife looked back - perhaps with longing for friends and family, perhaps she just couldn't believe that Sodom could be destroyed, or perhaps she was willing to go but sad to leave her home, possessions, and way of life. How like I am to Lot's wife sometimes. When I seek to break old habits or escape the world - how often do I look back instead of forward? And the Lord gives us a great key to looking forward - he tells us to "escape to the mountain." Since the mountain is a type for holy ground, temples, church, and even our homes - then as I seek to perfect me I ought to "escape" to His home and to Him. If our eyes are on Him they can't be on the world.
22 Feb
16 hours ago
I am hitting the "like" button.