I'm writing this on my iPad and for some reason, when the text gets to a certain length, it no longer crawls and then I can't read what I've been typing...hence the "cont." Since I'm so tech savvy, I have no idea what to do to correct it so I've got my own solution. Lol
Desi reports that all is well there. They have been running like crazy as the kids are playing soccer this season. It really does seem like once a child hits school, activities just explode. They've had a bevy of birthday parties and baby showers to attend as well. Jason, Mike's sister's husband, is staying with them this summer while he completes an internship there in Denver. Desi did quite a bit to try and set up a place for him so he wouldn't have to live out of a suitcase and yet not disrupt all the kids too. He's gladly accepted a place in their basement but Desi has been trying to find a way to give him some degree of privacy. In the meantime, the silliness and hyper behavior of 7 and 5 year olds is driving her nuts. Lol. I remember those years so well...and I remember going through it the first time...it is easier, as are most things, the second time around. Lol. Cherstin and Dan are experiencing the same stresses! Lol. Spring has been so on and off again for Denver so it'll be really nice when she can just send them outside to play, regardless of whether or not they want to. Desi has also been looking for quite a while for a dining room table...she finally found it and I think they are really going to love it. It even has chairs! It'll be nice to have, especially since they will have Jason for the summer, they won't have to deal with the folding chairs. Desi also called her dad last week, concerned about what she could do for Mother's Day. She had decided that she wanted to have me get a pedicure (ooooohhh...I've been thinking how nice that would be prior to my surgery) and so she and Rich conspired for me to go get one. Rich took me, last Friday, down to a place I've been to a few times only to find they had closed for the day. So he made me an appointment for today! Yes!!! I'm going this morning!!! Thanks so much Desi, Mike, Emily, Mordecai, Ruby, and Ivy! I'm really going to feel pampered!
Phil and Hannah are doing wonderfully and I'm so very, very, very grateful that Hannah is so thoughtful about sending me little snapshots and videos of the kids regularly. One of the very most difficult things about being a long distance grandmother is that I miss the day in and day out activities of my grandkids. These little snapshots and videos help me feel like I'm right there witnessing it all, even though I am obviously not! All if the kids are good about sharing...but I get a few more from Hannah and it always brings tears to me as I contemplate the beautiful relationship I have with her...I truly feel like she is my daughter and I know that that it is because of her efforts to include me and treat me as her mother. The relationship of Naomi and Ruth from the OT is more poignant all the time as I realize that this relationship is a result of Hannah's efforts, not mine, as I suspect was the case with Ruth. I wish I had had the wisdom and foresight with Mom B. when I was a young mother but truly...I just was clueless. I had no idea how to do it...I didn't not want one...just didn't know how. I know that sounds stupid...but it is so accurate. As with my own mother, there are so many things I wish I could do over with Mom B - I hope she will forgive me. Anyway - Hannah is hugely pregnant and just taking each day one at a time...only a few weeks left...but I know she probably feels ready to pop!
Wanda reports that baby Joshua is doing well and seems to be a contented, happy baby. What a blessing! With all that little (????) family has going on at the moment that is a real blessing. I think Wanda is also doing well. She seems to just enveloped Joshua into her life without even missing a beat. I doubt it has been as easy as that...but she sure seems to make it seem like that. Felicia has mentioned on numerous occasions that Wanda has made pregnancy and mothering seem easy to her...and Felicia has voiced her dismay and utter amazement at that now that she is experiencing pregnancy herself. And, perhaps all the hubbub of the last days of school, soccer, church, etc. just require that the family just keeps moving. Or, perhaps, with the focus and concern for Hyrum right now, everything else just takes a back seat a little bit. Hyrum has had his sleep EEG and MRI and they have appointments for the pediatric opthamalogist and audiologist - and it looks like all results of those tests and the genetic blood tests will be back in time for their appointment with the neuro psychologist. On a good note - Wanda said that Hyrum seemed to be babbling the other day. That's a hopeful sign. In the meantime they just keep working with him and praying for him...as are all if us. And, to add to all the stress - Sam had been complaining of his eye hurting. Wanda had a dr. Appointment for the baby so she just included Sam. They looked at his eye, couldn't see a scratch but prescribed and antibiotic. The next morning he broke out in a rash all over that side if his face and forehead. Wanda called the dr back and made a return trip where they diagnosed him with shingles and sent him to an eye doctor. He hasn't had chicken pox, just the vaccine...but it looks like he is suffering now. Hopefully the antiviral meds will help him. Such a miserable illness! I'm wishing you a speedy recovery, Sam!
22 Feb
6 hours ago
Thanks for the updates on everyone!! It was nice to get it all at one spot! BTW, I LOVE YOU!!!