I received a new calling recently as R.S. instructor for the "gospel principles" lessons. While teaching doesn't throw me much these lessons look to be somewhat of a challenge. Looking over the lesson that I am to teach in April, The Holy Ghost, is only 3 pages long and very basic information.... It would seem that everyone would have this knowledge - but perhaps things are not always as they seem. But I wonder how to teach this so that basic information is imparted and so that those who have the information in their knowledge base will also be edified. So my studying has taken me on a quest to learn what I might not know - and to ponder my relationship with the Holy Ghost as well.
In my ponderings I have thought a lot about my own testimony. And, I have thought about how the testimony of others have added to mine.
When I was very little, 3 or 4, I remember going to Primary and having my teacher talk to us in our class. She gave us construction paper with drawings of a placesetting on them that helped us learn how to set the table, where the glass went, knives, forks, spoons, etc. and play dishes to practice. I have no recollection about how that relates to a gospel principle - but I vividly remember that the Spirit testified to me (it still gives me goosebumps as I recall it all these years later) that the gospel was true, that the things my parents were teaching me were true, and that the church was true. That experience has had a profound impact on my life. And, when people dismiss the importance of teaching children I always think of how important that was to me and remember that it was the children and babes in arms when Christ came to the Americas that uttered such marvelous things that could not be written...children can be so very close to the spirit and feel its' power because their faith is so pure.
A few years later - as a 9-11 year old - I HATED Fast and Testimony Meeting. It seemed like the very same people got up every time and said the very same things, over and over again. I am sure my eyes rolled every time they got up. However, I came upon a way to get out of these "BORING" meetings quite by accident and I made use of it as often as I could for quite some time. My Dad was the bishop of our ward and so he didn't sit with us. And my Mom would have us (the kids) with her on one of the benches - usually in the middle of the chapel. Sometimes, when one of my little brothers were squirming, fussing, and being difficult Mom would nod to me and I would take them out into the foyer for a drink or to walk around a bit (these were the days when Sacrament Meeting was 1 1/2 hours long and in the afternoon or evening). One day I was really struggling with the testimonies and I was holding Jimmy (and he was being good too) and I thought how nice it would be if I could escape...and so I pinched him...just enough to make him fuss...and sure enough, Mom nodded to me to take him out! I was so happy. However, now as I have matured somewhat, I remember some of those testimonies and wish that I had appreciated them more.
Just a few years later - in my teens (15-16) - I had an experience that really helped me understand that my testimony really did inform everything that I did and was. It was during the height of the hippie movement and in that culture (which is like the pop culture of today) it was common for the kids of that time to think that they were so enlightened and they often engaged in asking "deep, philosophical questions" such as, "who am I really?" and "What is the meaning of life?" It was a time when drug use was rampant, New Age thinking was being promoted, and free love, peace, and make love not war were the typical slogans. I remember sitting on my bed one day, looking out the window and thinking about what was happening and the influence of these kids. I remember looking into a mirror and asking, "who am I?" and as I sat there it was as if a voice inside me just burst into my consciousness and said I KNEW that I was a child of God and I KNEW that I didn't need to waste my time or energy because I KNEW that the gospel was true, the Church was true, and that the plan of salvation was true. I KNEW I wanted to return to my Heavenly Father and I KNEW how to do it - and this wasn't the way. I dropped any fascination and preoccupation I had with these influences because I KNEW the truth. The Spirit had once again confirmed the truth to me in a very tangible way.
Years later, when we lived in Germany, I was teaching Gospel Essentials in Sunday School for the investigators and new members, I had the opportunity to teach about the Atonement. I had learned about the Atonement all my life and I thought that I knew it pretty well...but as I prepared to teach it (especially to non members and new members) I realized that I needed to do this very well - with plain language and in a very straight forward manner. I felt the responsibility keenly of teaching about this sacred event and I wanted the class to understand it well and I was also very concerned that there be no misunderstanding. I studied and studied and studied. I don't know how well I taught the class - but I had been taught by the Spirit as I studied and I was changed because of it.
As I continued my studying today In Moses and Genesis I was reading in Moses 6. Seven times (at least) there is reference to "teach" the gospel and the ways of God to our children. In fact, in one verse is says, "teach these things freely to your children" which I interpret to mean to do so at every opportunity - not just in formal settings - but in the day in and day out experiences of life. I believe that it was because I was taught early, carefully, lovingly, and frequently by my parents, teachers, and others that allowed the Spirit to whisper to me in unmistakeable terms that these things were true. In fact, if we do not teach can the Spirit confirm that truth? Probably yes, but likely - I doubt it happens much. Without testimonies that are built on bedrock we can too easily be swayed and influenced by the doctines of men and the lies of Satan. And if we do not teach these things to our children they are in grave danger and may well fall prey to the forces that seek to destroy and cause them endless misery. And, if we do not teach these things to our friends and neighbors and associates there is little hope for their happiness and joy - for truly it is the gospel of peace.
22 Feb
16 hours ago
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