Okay - Cherstin - I have tried to post on the Family Reunion Blog but when I log in I get here - from a dashboard????? I have no idea what that is or how to get on to the other blog - HELP!!!! LOL
Today I have been awfully teary. I have been cleaning out the garage (almost done!) and as a result I have come across all kinds of wonderful memories, and some sad ones too. As I sit here tonight I am noting that it is our little Emmett's third birthday - where did the time go??? It seems like only yesterday when I reached down into the isolette and held him for the first time. He was the most peaceful little guy - nothing seemed to rattle him. He loved to be swaddled and the more tightly the better. Who would of guessed that he would have grown into such a bundle of energy and excitement? The words, "I do it myself!" will always have such special memories attached to him as he tries to do anything he decides he wants to do. You have to walk a fine line with this little one so as to not destroy his little spirit all the while you are trying to safeguard him, siblings, and property! LOL I hardly ever go in a door when I don't think of him trying to open it and hold it for others to go through - he tries so hard to be a "gentleman." While I smile about it now I do have to say that is can be awfully frustrating when you are trying to hurry or when someone else is trying to go through and he DEMANDS and COMMANDS they give way! More than once we have tried to explain to stranger that he is trying to be a gentleman and they still seem skeptical about his ability to open and hold a door that is huge and heavy without help - and you better not help! LOL With such fierceness of independence, pure defiance, and strength of will it might be easy to miss how really loving and open he is, and that would be a tragedy. There is a goodness and gentleness in his nature and a readyness to learn and to explore. I sure hope that he has a wonderful day today!
As I think about him my mind races through all of my precious grandchildren, to their parents, and to my childhood. It seems like just yesterday that I was a little girl in the home of my parents. I thought they were perfect! I wanted to be just like them when I grew up and now, suddenly, I am not just a mom, but a grandmother of 21 with 4 more due! How did that happen? (okay - I know about the birds and the bees - geeeees! LOL)
Time really does fly on wings of lightening. I have often said that I had thought I would be a mother of preschoolers forever - but it seems as though it sped to warp speed when Wanda went to school. Oh, I am here to say that every phase of life has its beauties and difficulties - but I sure loved being a wife and a mom and having my little ones. I loved being pregnant and feeling their life blossom within me. I loved the special bond of nursing them. I loved watching them grow and reach milestone after milestone. I loved learning about who these spiritual giants are with whom we had been entrusted. I love them. I love the beautiful, talented, wise, kind, and special sons and daughters that they have chosen to spend eternity with, and I love their children, each and every one.
My mother used to tell me to cherish the moments then because they are fleeting. I always wondered why she told me that so often. I was cherishing them - but as I am now where she was I realize just how fleeting those moments are and today I have sauntered down memory lane and wished too often that I had done a better job of journaling, scrapbooking, letter writing, calendaring, and taking pictures during those wonderful, stressful, event filled days. They are days never to be forgotten and I am so grateful that I have had the privilege of spending my days with these wonderful, magnificent, funny, compassionate, smart (the adjectives could go on quite literally forever, you know?) people. I can only pray that we all keep the commandments of our Heavenly Father, honor the covenants that we have made, and do all that we can to be worthy to kneel together as a family in the courts on high...it won't really be heaven to me if even just one of us isn't there!
22 Feb
6 hours ago
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