Today at church we had the Primary Program. It was truly a remarkable program and I was so struck by the power and the influence of the Spirit as it bore testimony to me of the truthfulness of the doctrines the children talked about and sang. I thought of our precious grandchildren in Wisconsin, Ohio, Colorado, and Oklahoma who would be participating in a program in their wards and of the their parents who had participated in our ward programs through the years. I even thought back to the beginning of time when I was a child participating in them. I thought of Abby reciting her part to me yesterday for her program today and how it warmed my heart to know and feel of the pureness of her faith in our Savior and Heavenly Father.
I am grateful to dedicated teachers and parents through the years that taught me, my children, and now my grandchildren. Their powerful influence is often under appreciated, even by them. My parents were valiant teachers of the gospel to us, their children. It seemed to me that we had Family Home Evening nightly when I was young. Every night we gathered together in the living room for prayers and then trudged to the kitchen for our vitamins and then Dad would give us piggy back rides to bed. Dad taught us how to conduct meetings, the priesthood offices of the church and church government, and often bore powerful testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and the restoration of the Church. Mom, in contrast, seemed to find some gospel principle in everything we did, saw, or experienced and never let the opportunity go by to teach us what could be learned.
I remember attending Primary as a Sunbeam and I even remember that in my class we were learning how to set the table with construction paper place mats that had outlines drawn on them for the plate, glass and silverware. I don't remember what was said, perhaps we were being taught about the blessing on the food, I don't know....but what I remember most vividly was having the Spirit testify that what my teacher was teaching was true, that this was the Lord's church, that He loved me, and these truths were the same thing that I had been and was being taught by my parents.
A few years later we were visiting my Grandmother in California and there was a new hymn for the Primary that had been introduced for the coming years' Sacrament Meeting Program, "I Am A Child Of God." However, Elder Kimball had listened to the song and suggested that there was a change that ought to be made. The chorus of the song had been:
Lead me, Guide me,
Walk beside me.
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must know
To live with Him someday.
He suggested that the "know" wasn't good enough - that it didn't go far enough. He urged her to consider changing the word to "do" because we would need to know and to do to be able to return to our Heavenly Father someday. I remember listening to the hymn and loving it immediately - it felt like I had always known it. I also remember the discussion around the dinner table about Elder Kimball's suggested change. I was taught important doctrine there and knew that I was indeed a Child of God.
Years later, as a teen, in the turbulent 60's there was great public discussion about the existence of God, whether He was Dead or not, who we are, where we came from, agency, the power of "the devil made me do it," and life after death. There was a transcendental fervor and the hippies were driving the discussion. I remember sitting on my bed one afternoon and looking in the mirror, thinking, "who am I?" It didn't take 2 seconds before the answer came - I am a child of God. It was concise, succinct, and powerful. I knew who I was, I knew God's plan, and I would follow Him in faith. I had no doubts then and have none now. Some would call my faith nothing but brainwashing - but I can no more deny my knowledge of these truths than I can deny that I am a living, breathing human being. They have provided a sure foundation that has brought me great joy through the years.
Many years later I would have the opportunity to teach these truths in my own home and to my own children. I have often thought of a charge that Pres. Harold B. Lee gave to the CES leaders about teaching in a talk entitled, "Loyalty." He said, "You're to teach the old doctrines not so plain that they can just understand, but you MUST teach the doctrines of the Church so plainly that no one can misunderstand." I tried to do that but I was surprised one day when Cherstin came to me and asked when her knees were going to turn gray. She told me that she had been waiting and waiting and just wanted to know when that was going to happen. I was confused and tried to ascertain what she was talking about. Finally she blurted out, "you know, 'I am a child of God and so my knees are gray'." I started to chuckle when I realized that she had the words wrong and so I enunciated them as clearly as I could. However, I was stunned when she repeated them back to me, "Oh! 'I am a child of God and so my knees are great!'" Obviously the difficulty was with the word "knees" and I needed to spend some time teaching the doctrines taught in the hymn! LOL
I never, ever watch and listen to a Primary Sacrament Meeting Program without thinking about Joey's first one. As a child Joey was high energy. Always on the go. Always with something on his mind. And always fully engaged in whatever he was trying to do. His Primary teacher, Sister Schwendiman, was a young mother who seemed to appreciate the wriggles, off-the-wall comments, and eagerness of the 12 three year olds who were her class. Joey adored her. We were glad about that because it meant that he was more apt to follow her directions and be obedient. He had gotten dressed that morning in his little blue suit, vest, white shirt, and tie. But unknown to me was how excited he was to be wearing his brand new "UnderRoos" (themed underwear - in this case - Superman). Seated on the stand with his teacher and his class, and the rest of the Primary, things looked pretty good. Rich and I were seated in the middle of the congregation and I looked up in horror as I realized that Sister Schwendiman was paying rapt attention to what was happening at the podium...but further down her row was Joey who was obviously not paying attention...trying to show his buddies his new UnderRoos. It would have been okay if he had just told them about them but no! he had to show them and he had decided that it was best to take off his suit coat, vest, shirt, tie, and pants so that the class could see it all! LOL I was mortified and Rich just couldn't contain his laughter...nor could many in the congregation. With the snickers and laughter it wasn't too long before Sister Schwendiman looked around and saw what was happening...she was pretty mortified too! LOL Through the years I have often thought of this incident and in my own mind it has become somewhat of a metaphor to remind me how quickly we can become distracted from the things of eternity by the cares of the world...and how we can never take our eyes off our responsibilities and charges because it only takes a moment for disaster to occur.
Rich seldom ever watches a Primary Program without remembering sitting in the congregation with Wanda (age 2 1/2) and Joey (nearly 1) while I was on the stand playing the piano. I remember looking down and finding that he and the children were not there, but it wasn't until after the meeting that I learned what had actually happened. Wanda was just learning how to go potty and we had taken her to the bathroom before the meeting began. Things had gone well for them through the opening of the meeting, the sacrament, announcements, etc. but about half way through the program Rich heard a waterfall and looked around to see what it was just as he was getting thoroughly soaked. Wanda had been standing on the wooden bench and just let go. Rich said that it was a veritable lake on the bench and he quickly used the blanket he had with him to mop it up the best he could and then he grabbed the children and fled the chapel in his soaking wet suit. LOL When I reflect on this little event I am reminded of the legions of men and women and children who patiently support behind the scenes and acknowledge that without their support much of what gets done would never have a chance of being accomplished if not for them!
This year Desi and Cherstin have both expressed their love for the music that the children have learned for the Sacrament Meeting Program. They have delighted in teaching their children the songs and the doctrines contained in them. And the children have loved learning the songs and singing them at the top of their lungs...anywhere and everywhere they go. And, because they have sung them with such gusto they have even had the opportunity to teach nonmembers a little of these sacred truths. Out of the mouths of babes! We really are the leaven for this world.
Sister Lant, recently released General Primary President, said:
"Brothers and sisters, we are the angels that Heavenly Father has sent today to bless the children, and we can help them to one day see the face of the Savior as we teach the principles of the gospel and fill our homes with the joy of living them. Together we can come to know Him. We can feel of His love and His blessings. And through Him we can return to the presence of the Father. We can do this as we are willing to be obedient, faithful, and diligent in following His teachings."
Gratefully. because of faithful parents and teachers there is a whole new generation who are preparing to do whatever the Lord requires and because they are armed with knowledge and faith and testimony they will be able to do so valiantly and will assist in bringing our Heavenly Father's children home to Him, to live in His presence, to see His face, and to be together forever.
22 Feb
6 hours ago
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