Sunday, June 26, 2016

Denver 2016 - Milly and Mordecai

It has been a very eventful month. Even though Desi wasn't due to have Milly until the 2nd of May, I knew she'd have her earlier than that...and she did...on the 13th of April! Needless to say, we hadn't left yet so we made final preparations and left town on Saturday. It was so good to meet little Milly. She looks just like Mordecai! She's tiny, pretty quiet, and absolutely adored by everyone. Desi took her in for her one month dr appointment on this past Monday and was pretty thrilled to learn that she's gained weight to 7 lb. 7 oz.  During our time there I attended a "Mother/Daughter Tea" with Desi and Emily put on for the activity day girls for Mother's Day, attend two pinewood derbies - one for Mordecai and one for Emily (they both won), attend field day for Emily and Mordecai, their piano recital, and the play that they were in from school - Lion King, Jr. Felicia and Tom and Noah and Georgia came down about a week after we got there. Tom was there just a day and then flew out to Maine to be with his parents for a week (his father had a lung removed a week and a half earlier due to lung cancer). While he was gone we drove to their new condo in Rock Springs for the night, got up the next morning and drove to SLC, drove back to Rock Springs and then drove back to Denver the next day so that we could spend some time with Joey, who'd flown in to run the Spartan Race with Mike. While we were in Utah we went to the distribution center, visited the cemetery to see Mom and Dad, and went to dinner with my brothers. We also got ice cream at the iceberg with Joseph. We left Tuesday to return home and arrived here early this morning. It feels good to be home and of course, we went grocery shopping today since there wasn't much to eat! Lol! And it is nice to know that Joey returned safe and sound, as did Felicia and family, and that Desi and her little family can get back to normal!    

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