For the better part of the day I spent my time trying to put order into our "office." Currently it is located in what will one day become our dining room...but for now it is just fine where it is. However, as I unpack boxes I am having to change how I have thought about things. When I went to Ricks College we had some temporary classrooms that were built during WWII - and the saying was that there was nothing more permanent than a temporary building. I have lived in so many temporary homes for so long that it has been a long time since I have really considered unpacking EVERY box and putting EVERYTHING away. I keep reminding myself that this is my home and I can always redo what I have done or don't like or want to do differently - but somehow boxes seem to answer so many questions. LOL
And papers - manuals for appliances, lawn and gardening tools, furniture, electronics, warranties, receipts, tax info, genealogy, medical ... phew! Then everyone doesn't have my "Dear Hubby" - we have to have every cord known to man, we not only have the software or program disc but we also have the warranty, the book, the receipt, and the big, FAT box it originally came in!
And that doesn't count the office supplies - the colored paper (in every color they make), the different weights of bond, the cardstock, resume paper, specialty paper, envelopes (in multiple sizes), 3X5 cards, 5X7 cards, cd labels, photo paper, notebook paper, notebooks, construction paper, greeting cards, post-it-notes, pens, pencils, erasers, lead, colored lead, staples, staplers, staple removers, rubber bands, paper clips in various sizes, markers, tape, tape dispensers, cds, zip discs, folders, glue, batteries...heck! We could supply an entire office supply store! And that doesn't count the scanners, typewriter, printers, copiers, and computers! Got to love this man!!!!
As I worked today, trying desperately to create order, I thought of the "creation." I am trying to create a home, a refuge, a place of love and beauty, a place where the spirit can reside. I am taking "matter unorganized" and trying just to find a home for it all, to organize it so that it can fill the "measure of its' creation." Isn't it interesting that things always seem to devolve - going from a state of order to disorder - never the reverse - unless there is a hand in it to purposefully bring order out of chaos? I know of nothing that evolves or moves from a state of disorder on its own. I know all kinds of things that do the opposite on their own LOL. And yet, the philosophies of man would try to convince us that there is no God, or that He didn't set His hand to these things, that it all happened naturally - truly makes reason stare!
22 Feb
6 hours ago
Now I know where Philip gets "all that" from.