I have been studying Moses 1 for the last few days and have some things that have impressed me that I want to remember, I am not sure that I will be able to get it down on paper like it is in my head, but I am going to try.
Bruce R. McConkie has written, "Transfiguration is a special change in appearance and nature which is wrought upon a person or thing by the power of God. This divine transformation is from a lower state to a higher state, it results in a more exalted, impressive, and glorious condition.... By the power of the Holy Ghost many prophets have been transfigured so as to stand in the presence of God and view the visions of eternity." (Mormon Doctrine, 803).
By any definition transfiguration is something both sacred and spectacular. I highly doubt that it is common. However, in a very real way it should be and hopefully is.
It is by the power of the Holy Ghost that transfiguration occurs, and it appears from the scriptures that it is a very rapid, almost spontaneous, process. But, in a way, the Holy Ghost has that same power to transfigure us a little at a time, incrementally, (albeit in slow motion:) until we are able to stand in the presence of God and view the visions of eternity.
Indeed, the Holy Ghost has the power to change us, our appearance and our very nature, to enable us to move from a lower state to a higher state - to become more exalted, to help us evolve into a God. If anyone doubts this just look at the lives of those who have joined the church and remained faithful - the changes are startling!
Four times in this chapter the Lord calls Moses "my son." In contrast Satan calls Moses "son of man." We are the literal offspring of our Heavenly Father - His sons and daughters. His work and His glory is to bring to pass our immortality and eternal life. To help us become as He is and have what He has. Satan seeks to make us common, unremarkable, miserable, to destroy our agency - all to thwart our Heavenly Father's plan - that's true love, huh?
Moses is able to discern the evil of Satan and his reality because he has been transfigured and can distinguish the difference. In essence, he has seen the light and he has enough light left to recognize that Satan isn't to be worshipped or trusted.
This kind of reminds me of a time when Rich and I were first married. He had come home from work and we had a little time before we needed to leave for Mutual. As newlyweds we took advantage of that time and as we later prepared to leave we got dressed for Mutual without turning on the lights. We hurried out the door and barely got there in time. Imagine my surprise when one of my Mia Maids looked at me and then asked, "Sister Bainbridge, how come you have one black shoe on and one blue shoe?" Today it is funny - but at the time I turned 50 shades of red and hemmed and hawed. I have never gotten dressed in the dark to leave the house again! Obviously I needed light to see the difference in my shoe colors. Obviously I need the Light to clearly discern and recognize the dark. And, just as importantly, dark and light cannot co-exist in the same space - light dispels the darkness.
As we keep the commandments, honor our covenants, choose worthy music, media, activities, and friends and associates the light increases. As we pray we can choose the right and overcome evil and the darkness is dispelled. As we read our scriptures, attend the temple and our church meetings, and employ the atonement the Spirit is able to transform us, to transfigure us, to exalt us and we will have the opportunity to literally stand as Moses did, in the presence of God and to view the visions of eternity. Each day we ought to strive to be transfigured.
22 Feb
6 hours ago
Didn't one shoe feel different form the other? Or was it the same style shoe in a different color?