Today I did quite a bit of research regarding vita-nutrients. I believe that the medications that Rich is on serve a purpose - but I also believe that many are very harmful to the overall health of an individual in the long term. I have talked with Dr. May briefly about new research showing the effectiveness of Niacin in bringing down total cholesterol numbers, raising the HDL, lowering LDL, triglycerides, and stabilizing blood sugars. In comparison to lipitor niacin has been shown to be more effective without the side effects. But, like most practitioners, she doesn't seem to want to take a chance that this won't work - or maybe just doesn't believe it will, or that the pharamceutical is better. And. perhaps this isn't the time to advance this cause - at least until things have stabilized for a long period of time. I don't know. I believe that the Lord has given us these increases in knowledge, drugs, and research to aid the sick - but I also believe that the Lord has given us knowledge and resources that don't get tapped - i.e. the word of wisdom, the case of the little boy and his mom at Haun's Mill with his hip blown away, etc.
I have read quite extensively on Co-Q10 and believe that it is vital for the heart...but with all these meds I don't know enough to know about interactions. I am going to continue to search for answers and see if there are not things that can be done to strengthen his body, immune system, and decrease his need for the drugs.
Today I gave him a slice of toast with peanut butter and cherry/grape preserves and a glass of grape/cherry juice for breakfast. At lunch I gave him a tuna sandwich with a bowl of soup and an orange with a glass of milk. Tonight he had a chicken fajita with onions, peppers, cheese, avacado, salsa, and sour cream. For dessert he had a good humor ice cream bar. He has only needed 3 units of insulin at lunch. He seems to be feeling better all the time - except that his oxygen ran out this afternoon and that did seem to cause him some difficulty...but tonight he seems better I am hopeful that the lungs with improve over time. Cherstin said it took her some time after her bouts and there were times she wondered if she would ever get better - so I think this must be normal to some extent.
I got Felicia's package off to her and cards out to Glory and Ruth. I have to get Phil's and Gideon's out tomorrow.
I picked up the calendar that the kids put together for our Christmas. It is so precious. I love having the pictures and it is so nice that important dates are on there and I don't have to worry about missing somebody. I need to do something like this for my Dad.
Speaking of Dad - he called today. Said he was thinking of coming for a visit when things get a little warmer. I doubt that will happen...but it is nice to think it might. He said that Mike had had his knee surgery and that things had gone pretty well. I sure hope so. I put his name in the temple on Saturday.
The weather has been bitter cold through most of the nation - and here is no exception. I am longing for spring or for some long period of time with temps in the 40-50's. I need to get my garage unpacked but it is just too cold to go out there! All this "global warming" talk is just hooey - the audacity to think that we mere mortals can do one solid thing change the course of the planet - I sure wish the environmentalists would read Moses 1:10!
Well - I am taking this man to bed. Sleep is good.
22 Feb
6 hours ago
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