Today is Rush's birthday. I have listened to his radio program for over 21 years. I have yelled at him, yelled with him, sorrowed with him, commiserated with him, sung with him, been informed and tutored by him, had my own thinking challenged, and even been worked up enough to call his program or e-mail.
I remember the first day that I heard him. I was driving home to Sumter from Columbia, S.C. I had been to the o.b., awaiting the birth of Felicia. I was appalled at his arrogance and brashness - but the timbre of his voice and the discussion he was having with his audience about animal rights, abortion, and the homeless was riveting - the thing he was saying mirrored so closely my own feelings about the subjects that I was startled. However, the things he would say, "talent on loan from God," and the like, just rubbed me the wrong way. Weeks went by and I continued to listen and one day I listened to his answer to one of his critics about the "talent on loan from God" blurb. I came to realize the context he was saying this in and realized I even agreed with him on that. It wasn't that he was brainwashing me as his critics charged - rather it was the first time someone in the media was saying things I believed deeply. Millions of Americans have found the same home, much to the dismay of the mainstream media.
His success created an industry of conservative talk radio hosts, many of who have gone on to be successful in their own right. Many I have listened to (as my family can attest;) - Sean Hannity, Neil Boortz, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Michael Reagan, Glen Beck, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Mark Styne, Mark Levin, etc., etc., etc.
There is often the charge that he and others like him have coarsened the political discourse. Sometimes that may be true - but often I believe that the discourse they are trying to have is about the foundational principles of our constitution and our society and those who oppose these tend to be the ones that sling the mud. It has been my experience that while the interpretation of "the facts" may differ - the problem is more that the facts are brought to light and those who want to work darkness would rather not have it see the light of day. And in fact, over the last few years I have been extra-ordinarily frustrated with the republicans because they have not been willing to stand against the destruction of these values and principles. That has been the growing frustration of an increasingly large segment of our society. The next few years promises to be interesting...but I am glad that Rush is here as that we continue the journey.
22 Feb
7 hours ago
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