"Today is the first day of the rest of my life." This, or some other similar such phrase was popular as I was growing up. And, today is the first day of 2010 - the first day of the rest of my life. In a couple of weeks I will turn 57 years old. I guess I have grown up...but hopefully there are lots of days and years to come.
I have been thinking lately a lot about regrets and things I wish I had done, not done, or done differently in my life. One of the biggest things I wish I had done is keep a journal. I have bits and pieces scattered through notebooks (and now even blogs) in my attempt to record my life...but I have been remarkably bad at consistency. Days, months, years, even decades have passed with me not noting them, let alone the wonderful blessings that have been a part of them. If there is any peice of advice that I could or would impart to those I love it would be to consistently keep a journal...too often we mean to get things recorded and we think that we'll never forget this or that...but sadly, we do forget...and I hope that there will be that bright recollection hereafter that the scriptures record...but then I also remember that what is recorded here is recorded there...hmmmm...doesn't bode well either way, I fear!
I have been inspired by my children who have started blogs. Some have followed my path of stop and starts, some have found social networking sites that allow for more interaction from family and friends and some have been consistent and thorough in their daily efforts to capture and record the work of their lives. I have enjoyed all of them...but as the days have gone by I have come to realize that they who have posted daily have done the impossible...they have written every day...and the story of their days will bless their lives and the lives of their posterity for generations. So, I dare to dream that I, too, can do the impossible by attempting the impossible...and for those who know how "untechy" I am...it will surely be a miracle. LOL
I have struggled, knowing that I have lost so many years of memories, allowing them to fade away unrecorded. It is my hope that as I start this it will become not only a record of my present doings and future hopes and dreams - but that the past will come to life as I ponder and record my memories. And due to the fact that these memories will be recorded as I remember them...they will probably be full of holes and imperfections...but I am hopeful that my recollections will grow bright and true as I try to put to paper the story of my life and the lives of those I so dearly love and cherish. I probably will become a little "sermony" as that seems to have been one of the characteristics I am most noted for...along with my verbosity...but I will do my best. LOL I am also acknowledging the fact that there will probably be no chronological efforts here - although I will do my best to give a time, date, or context so that it can be better understood. Truly, I will be attempting the impossible. And to those whom I love so very much and have given me such great joy and gladness...let me encourage you to "correct the record" if I do get it wrong or if you want to add information, context, understanding, events, or even feelings.
I am also wondering how to accomplish the actual "mechanics" of this effort. Should I post every time I get a chance, once daily, how do I keep track of what I have alreadly referenced, surely I can't record "everything" I am thinking or remembering, should I keep a log of things that I have been thinking about sharing, how do I decide? I am certainly knowledgable enough with me to know that there is a great chance that I will start at this "full gait" but that I will "peter" out as the days go by.... Guess that is why I am "attempting" the impossible! LOL
You will also probably want to know that your Dad will also have input - I don't think I would even want to attempt this without him - and I guess in this way we truly have become "one." I hope that he will be encouraged enough to add some of his own memories - especially since he lived for 24 years before we were married...but I also know Him well enough to know that He may view this as "our" effort and so it will be more from my "pen" than his. But you never know...and until we actually start this we don't know what it will contain, where it will end, or the path that it will take.
This is our gift to you. There is precious little that we own in this life that is "worth" anything....but each of you is "our treasure." We wouldn't have that any other way. Your Dad and I have been so privileged to rub shoulders with you through this life - we can't even begin to describe how "exquisite" our joy is in you and your lives - and so I undertake this effort with you in our hearts and minds - Mom
22 Feb
7 hours ago
That was really beautiful!